Friday, December 2, 2011

Help i trimed my eye brows?

okay well i did what i normally did when i trim them with the little electronic thing i always do it the same take a few of the hairs underneath of the brow and trim the ones in the front that grow tall well my hand wasn't steady as normal i ended up with one with a huge chunk out of it and one a small chunk out of it what should i do i don't color them and my eyebrow color is weird you can't find a color to cover it up cause its so weird what should i do??

also i haft to work tomorro evening and the really cute guy is going to be there the whole time im working|||Eyebrow pencil..|||Use an eyeshadow color, it doesn't necessarily have to match your eyebrow color exactly. Choose a color with a cool undertone so your eyebrows don't look red, and a matte shadow to look more natural. If you have very blonde or light brown eyebrows use a light taupe eyeshadow, if you have redish eyebrows use a medium brown eyeshadow, dark hair use an eye shadow a few shades lighter than your eyebrows. Fill them in using an angled eyeliner brush with small, feather like strokes. Otherwise, you are out of luck.|||Well just try to find a color and if u cant then try to even them out and if that dosent help then i guess disquse yourself and then next time he comes in and your eyebrows r regular then be yourself its happend to me girl|||go over and draw them in with an eyebrow pencil or eyeliner will work too...go over your whole brow and then the chunk|||one time my friend did that and i fixed it with a eye brow pencil and some clear mascara. hope this helps (:|||sharpie|||well your best bet is to find some makeup

good luck|||your ******

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