Friday, December 2, 2011

What we humans see with our eyes is it reality?

Our vision is limited and controlled. Presume we had enlarged vision like what we view in an electronic microscope we would be able to see millions of germs in a cup of water and would not drink it.We could see the parasites that live on human bodies and would not like to go near our partner and visa versa.

So the fact of the matter is that what we see is not reality is it not.?|||yes reality sometimes; and sometimes stupidity|||I think what we see is reality. I mean, dogs, chimps, all kinds of animals see things the way we do only with different color perception..we can't all be blind to "reality".|||no its reality, its just the full scope of everything in the area. same how snakes heat sensors are link to the part of teh brain that controls sight. So a snake can actually see heat overlaps on what ever there eyes are looking at. does that mean the heat isnt there|||What we see is reality.

Just because we cannot see things at an atomic level, a microscopic level or a chemical level, doesn't mean that it's not happening. Becuase science has advanced so much, we now acknowledge, realize and accept that there is more to life than what the eye can see.

If we could see the germs in a cup of water, would we drink them? Perhaps that would be a personal decision. Today, many people realize that there are germs everywhere, yet they still go on and live their lives normally.

What alot of people don't realize is that bacteria does more good than harm, and therefore we shouldn't be so freaked out about it. Millions of microbes live within us, and we know this, yet we cannot see it without visual aids.

So therefore, while our vision is indeed limited, our knowledge has no boundaries. Learning is a dynamic process, what one decideds to do with new information that is obtained is strictly up to the learner, even blind people benefit from this fact. Think about that.|||What we perceive with our minds as reality is reality....for us. Everyone has his own reality based on his own perceptions.

Right now all you are are just avatars to me, is that who you are? My perception at this moment is my reality, it's quite different from yours where you are you and not avatars on a screen.|||What we see is real enough inasmuch as it can be proven to exist through our other senses. We can touch objects that we see if they are close enough. The fact that you cannot touch the bird flying by doesn't make it any less real.

This question is more one of philosophy than biology. There are various realities, each is valid for a given set of circumstances. The reality of the microscopic world that exists around, on and in us is by and large relatively benign. Because we have developed alongside and with the microscopic creatures we tend to exist in harmony. Not all of what we cannot see is harmful. Similarly, there are large entities in the world that are potentially deadly and deserve at least as much consideration as the microscopic.|||Reality is subjectively interpreted by the individual ; the "same" question that you posted and you see is not the "same" as I see it for the context in which our 'shared' reality is cognitively recognized subject to variant interpretation/perception .

A paradox that shall ever remain a mystery . I say mystery and not riddle , why? - a mystery remains a mystery where a riddle has an answer .

Your question will never be answered . . . good QUESTion though and subject to endless debate ! Perhaps reality only exists from a single perspective . . . only yours .

:0)|||Reality is an agreed upon interpretation of sensory data. My experience of the color "cyan" is not the same as yours, but we can both agree that something colored cyan is colored cyan.

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