Friday, December 2, 2011

You are allowed to change only 3 rules in soccer. Which ones?

You are allowed to change only 3 rules in soccer. Which ones?

Myself, i'd change:

1. Number of subs unlimited. It's ridiculous rule that a team can sub three players per game only!! WTF do you need the other 8 players for?

2. No offside. This rule kills the beauty of the soccer game.

3. Intro hawk eye. (electronic video review of the latest ref's decision). The captains would be allowed to call for hawk eye up to 3 wrong calls per half. And if happen that ref was wrong more than 3 times per half, then that ref should be taken of the list, and sent back to write the test.|||1) Goal Line Technology such as Hawk Eye, or a video referee (like in rugby)

2) No booking for players taking their shirts off (a ridiculous rule)

3) That would be it, no more tampering with the beautiful game! :D|||1. no sub limit

2. i play tennis so the hawk eye is a good idea

3. no yellow cards

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