Thursday, November 24, 2011

Are these good song lyrics for an electronic track?

Moon explodes

Got rocks in my eyes

Shock and awe

Quite a surprise

Headed indoors

To watch TV

Don't single me out

Don't point at me

The moon blew up

And I don't care

The moon blew up

We ain't goin' nowhere

Nature's nightlight

Lost its glow

A forest at night

Is no place to go

People freaking out

In the middle of the street

I just need

Something to eat

The moon blew up

And I don't care

The moon blew up

We ain't goin' nowhere

The moon blew up

And I don't give a f#$k|||ummm THE MOON BLEW UP think about it theres not gunna be no one who would listen to a song about the moon blowing up come on you can do better srry kid|||Jesus christ it;s a song, you can write whatever the ***** you want...

It's awesome brah.

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