Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drumset vs. Electronic Drum Sticks vs. Guitar?

I'm thinking of learning(for fun) how to play drums or the guitar. Most of my friends already play the guitar, so I was thinking of learning drums.

Are electronic drum sticks(you know, the ones you can play any where) that good? Can you make the different drum sounds and everything? I'd rather not have a drumset in my tiny room or my dad's tiny apartment.

Is a guitar better? I already had my eye on one. I could also learn bass guitar.

Which one out of all of these would you probably perfer? Also, fairly cheap prices would be nice :-)

-Jocelyn|||If you like bass, this is the most sought after instrument because , for every 100 guitar player, their might be 1 bassman.

You are sure to find work or bands. Once you play bass, drummers are always after you because, drummers practice more with a bassman than with a guitar player.

Fender have kits for $250 including the amp, tuner etc....|||Try them all out and see whcih you one you like the most...

Go to a music store and fool around with them for a while.

I play both guitar and drums...

Honestly at 15 , I started off playing guitar...then it got stolen...

so at 16...I took up drums and stayed with it for the next 20 years...then in 1998 I took up guitar again after and accident.

I dont recommend electronic drum sticks for beginners because they dont have the authentic "bounce back feel" you need for doing stroke rolls, rudiments, etc on the drum kit.

They may be cute and all. But they are a like fun toy to have , but not to learn real drumming stroke rolls, rudiments with.

I'd say buy yourself a decent pair of drum sticks and a good simple, practice pad like a "REMO" or "REELFEEL" one and learn that way to start off with.

If you are going to take up drums...

Also, get a small, practice pad kit, they are cheap and REMO makes them too. They are like a real cheap kit without all the noise!!!...LOL They also dont take up too much room either.

But, if you have more passion and fun with one intrument than the other. I'd say go with the one you like most instead.

If you want to do both, better start saving your cash big time cause it wont be cheap to do both!!!=)

Honestly, you can whatever you want. But try them all out first. Who knows what musical talents you have until you discover them? Good luck

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