Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is it just me? Or are digital camera manufactures equipping cameras with zoom lenses?

Looking for a digital camera with a 35mm size electronic sensor and prime lenses fish eye to 300mm or longer long lenses.

Single lenses would be or be pretty close in focal length to these and have F2.8 or better apertures...

A fish eye lens, a 21mm wide angle lens, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm 1.2, 85mm, 90mm, 135mm, 200mm, 300mm and 400mm lenses.|||Well I can welcome you to the world of DSLR

Yes nowadays the Zoom Kitlens is standard. And in the world of compacts only very few have a prime lens. I agree Prime lenses are sharp and easy to have wide open.

Yet most consumers just want a zoom so they get it with all the negative by effects.

If you want better well there is the Fuji X-100, the Sigma DP1 and Sigma DP2...each of those have primes. And take the NEX-5 from Sony a hit in Japan, with as one of its lenses a 16mm [effective 24mm] Prime.

But Primes are definitely in the area of the professionals.

Is this bad? I dunno lets be fair would digital photography have given us cheaper DSLR's on what we can put expensive Primes [and not so expensives Primes] if they weren't bought allot by people using just zoom and kit lenses.

We must be happy with that the price point has been pushed down so quick that for the price of half a vacation one can start their adventure in DSLR country. Yes few will ever outgrow the cheaper lenses. And I agree that having better lenses can be such fun.

It is a balance.. selling high numbers means cheaper price. Most people are happy with the performance of the relative slower zooms yes.

And not every zoom is terrible, I got a nice Tamron 28-75 that is unbelievable cheap for what you get. F2,8 over the full range.. reasonable sharp at F2,8 but from F4 on it is tack sharp. For less then $400.. these are the little secrets we ought to share.|||a couple thousand dollars won't cut it

ill show you a Nikon setup with everything you asked with the fastest lens鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I did not include a fisheye because I am only allowed 10 links, but the lens I chose was the Nikon Fisheye AF Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D Autofocus Lens @$919.99

the grand total comes out to be $33640 without applying any tax or shipping. Also not included is a bag or multiple bags, which will run you a couple hundred dollars, a couple memory cards, UV filters, which will easily run you $300-$400 for all the lenses. Add warranty, which is anywhere between $100-500 per item

you might be looking at about $36,000 for the setup|||You can still buy a dSLR without the kit zoom lens. In fact it is the norm with full-frame dSLRs. Yes, prime lenses are far more superior. Go to for your window shopping.|||All you need is a couple thousand dollars %26amp; all that can be yours.|||They have been for years|||And Bob, you've been where while all this was going on?

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