Wednesday, November 30, 2011

'Futile Crush' wanted a nice atheist vs Theist question so...?

Assuming there is a God. Assuming we would know (through the pope?) if we are doing something wrong. I'll assume we are allowed to wear glasses to enhance our vision, we are allowed to use proteases to fix our mis-formed/amputated limbs.

We now enter a era where electronic eyes are connected into our brain, as well as bionical proteases.

When we start extending or replacing sections of our brain with artificial hardware, will we still get to go in heaven? What does a neural proteases do with a soul? An electronic eye already replaces the neurons that use to be in the back of the biological eye. Will this person go to heaven with only 98% of his soul?

What about the 2%? Is that part judged for its sins at the moment of removal?

What about the man who had his entire brain scanned before death, and after his biological version died, lived 100 years longer but committed several murders?

The simulated brain was that of the now dead person, would he be judged for the actions of his 100 year old simulation?

What if someone's brain is slowly replaced, one neuron at a time over a period of 50 years? How would his soul be judged? is there even a soul in these scenarios?

Please, spout your idea's on these trans-human themed questions from both atheist as theist point of view.|||Assuming..............that ever happens, the brain is just the interface between the soul and the body and monitoring bodily has no funtion other than that

BTW That was a nice A v T question thank you|||Assuming there is a "god" is where the problems begin.|||When we start extending or replacing sections of our brain with artificial hardware, will we still get to go in heaven?

If you can point me to evidence that replacing the conscious brain with hardware is possible, then I'll consider it|||your soul doesn't go to heaven in the first place, secondly after death you are only left with your spirit which is a energy life form.. I see you don't know the diference between the two.|||proteases? Is that a woman who you pay to act like she's going to sleep with you, then changes her mind at the last minute?|||Who cares? If you get a cybernetic enhancement to you brain, you might finally be able to "prostheses"!|||This is not an "atheist vs theist" debate

Atheists don't assume there is a god, so the rest of your details do not pertain.

This a christian denominational debate.

As an an atheist, I think modern science can prove to be beneficial to us, but still doesn't mean that humans aren't a disease on the planet.

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