Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is this electronic monitoring, bug or the start of something else

I've been checking around trying to find out whats going on, even going as far as to get in contact with David Icke for some insight. This as been affecting me the last couple of years and is no joke, I've seen several people acting and talking as if they had this on them to, and they were aware of something abnormal. I think this is the tip of the iceberg on what is to come out of European Union and world wide conspiracy and a one world government, part of that all seeing eye. Something weather on me or not is constantly talking about what ever. It just rambles on to draw my attention to it, I try to ignore it but the more it goes on, almost incoherantly. It has the ability to keep your mind semi focused on it and you feel like your day dreaming about something but in reality your mind is draw to this heckling voice. I sometimes find myself talking loudly to try to override this problem. It sounds ridiculous but you feel like being bugged, I've talked to several people who report similar cases. If you have some answers or share information please contact me and we can get in touch via phone or email this is just a fraction of what has happened. thanks for your time and look forward!

|||I consider myself to be a fairly intellegent person, but I haven't got a clue what your on about. But it's obvious that you are suffering from some sort of paranoia and heading very quickly for a nervous breakdown. I think you need to seek proffesional medical help as soon as possible.|||I suggest you seek medical help you may be suffering from schizophrenia; a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions.|||You clearly an intellectual person.. And clearly on the verge of a nervous breakdown if you persist on being paranoid about everything.|||1 i have no idea what your talking about.

2 your words 'It just rambles on' made a lot of sence to me. lol

3 seriously, there are only a few people who are worth the effort of bugging. it takes a lot of time and effort to actually do and keep monitoring.

if you work in a secret organisation, a military or sevillian organisation with a lot of power, are a criminal, scammer, fraudster, on benifits, written to any military/government organisations with threats. are part of a criminal organisation. or are high up in the ranks of government or your own company, done anythink illigal that could want someone to watch you. have any kind of invention that could change the world.

if none of those are you then dont worry. if they are, i would buy a bug detector and start searching.

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