Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Believe or not to believe that Phelps won Cavic by 10-thousandth of a second in his 7th Gold Win?

Is it that LUCKY-7 that play the part for him. The naked eyes cannot see it only the electronic eye can see. What a great thing to believe in this IT age? What is your opinion?

I have decided that he will win the 8th Gold and had given in one of my answers on Michael's performmmance. Do you believe he can do it?|||YES! I watched yesterday and too was amazed - and doubtful might I add - but today I wanted to see what was actually exchanged by the officials, the Serbians, and the US teams.

The officials spent quite some time testing the technologies used, the timing equipment - like the touchpad and its sensitivity - the video equipments, etc., and of course replayed the videos and broke them into tiny time increments and frames that they say clearly show Phelps winning. FINA (the name for international swimming officials organization or something) "determined the timing and video were working perfectly. And they broke the tape down to the 1/10,000th of a second and a couple of definitive frames showed Phelps winning."

"Phelps had not simply won by a 100th of a second, which is what the clock showed, 50.58 to 50.59, but actually by a couple 10,000ths of a second. This is an indefinable amount of time, quicker than the time it takes to blink, snap or do just about anything," the McClatchy Newspaper of Kansas City reports. I suppose it was not that visible in real time because Phelps won by a few 10,000ths of a second, which the article says in this time we can do just about nothing but blink. It's crazy, but true! I'm pretty sure I blinked during Phelps' win, so I'm sure I missed the great win.

After the review, "Serbian officials then reviewed tape then basically said 'OK, you are right.'" Cavic even admitted to the loss, saying "'To lose by a hundredth of a second is the most difficult loss you can have, especially at the Olympics. And I did see the replays.'"

I couldn't see the win for myself because it was so close, but hey, they got it solved, and both Phelps and Cavic should be proud. It was a very well fought race.

I read a few articles, but for the full article of the one I cited, click here:鈥?/a>

|||I've said it before and I'll say it again. Michael Phelps is a true Champion in all sense of the word. He has beaten all odds to be who he is today. He has faced adversity but turned it to his advantage. We can all take a leaf from his achievements. He is an inspiration to us all. Three Cheers!

;P|||Yes he can. I believe in 'when the going gets tough, the tough got going' and this is what got his 7th gold.|||He won by one one hundreds of a second not one one thousandths but that was awesome. I hope he wins tonight. It will be a team effort so I hope they pull it off.

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