Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What to do, I feel guilty about how I'm spending my time?

So basically I'm just home alone for most of the day. I'm starting to spend the whole entire time just eating and using my iPod and the computer. I don't know what else to do. I can't go outside for certain reasons, so that's out of the question. I have a dog and two guinea pigs? Can they provide entertainment haha? So basically, my question is...What should I do to pass the time not burning my eyes out on electronic devices and not eating all day?|||Any ideas on a book you can write? I have great ideas and have already written one and intend to publish it soon. Also, if you do not have those ideas, maybe make children's books. You will also make additional $ and who does not want additional $? Like picture/story books. You never know when you will come up with the next Mickey Mouse by chance.

I think we tend to waste time when we do not have jobs here. We tend to be wired, in America to get a job and work all the time, and feel USELESS without it, and waste our lives and talents without it. It's pathetic. Life is precious, should not be wasted. And, we tend to be addicted to our computers. I am addicted to my laptop and get angry for not paying enough attention to my child.|||1. swimming-pool or beach

2. read-doesn't burn your eyes as much as video games

3. walk the dog-provides excersise

4. teach your pets tricks-time consuming and somewhat fun

5. invite friends over to your house-since you can't go outside

6. in-the-house games-monoply, sorry, etc. (have family or friends play with you)|||Masturbate|||Play hide and seek with your pets|||get a job online

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