Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Need help identifying an anime?

About a month or so ago, I was watching an anime on Adult Swim late at night. I didn't see all the episode, but I started on a part where two really buff characters were fighting for the sake of friendly competition. One had one electronic eye and blonde hair in a ponytail. Then, throughout the episode, they talked about how a person who has something like an electronic eye has a weak spot while fighting and almost always can be defeated for it. In the end, the character with the electronic eye ends up just being undercover and part of an organization and the other character was smuggling something I think. They fight again, but for real this time and not just for friendly competition, and the one with the electronic eye ends up blocking when the guy who is getting caught goes for his weak spot and defeats him. On the way back, the guy with the electronic eye meets up with the wife of the guy he just caught and she gives him a bottle of a drink he drank when he went over to their house. When he goes back to the organization's headquarters or whatever, he smashes the bottle. The animation reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

Any suggestions?|||Just to disagree with the first answer~

It can't be Bleach, because if it reminded her of Full Metal Alchemist, then they would be fighting using things other than Zanpakutos, and Kira doesn't have hair in a ponytail.

So I looked some stuff up on the internet:

This was the closest match to the search result.

See if you recognise the guy (^_^)

Hope I helped (^_^)|||The guy with "an electronic eye and blonde hair in a pony tail" reminds me of Deidara from Naruto...

Or maybe Kira from Bleach?|||The guy definetly sounds like deidara from Naruto. here's a pic to be sure:)

and another:)

I think the second image is better

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