Thursday, November 24, 2011

Spiritually speaking, What are your opinions of this electronic socializing. Texting, emails, postings, blogs?

The down side about Facebook as well as other social networking sites, is that all we see is text. We don't see a human, we see a cute profile picture and text. We don't see eyes bearing emotion. We don't hear tones of voice and nuances in inflection. I think that social networking sites and all these electronic interactions have a great way of dehumanizing things and people and turns us all into robots. What do you think?|||I think the dangerous part is that so much information is posted about you

that scam artists are finding ways to use the info against you.

One con game is to block your admission to your site for a while

so they can use it to tell all your friends that you are stranded in

a foreign country and are in need of emergency funds.

It is a pretty popular scam now. Some of your friends will try to help ypu.|||It cuts down on the other cues in communication as you noted....the anonymity seems to be very liberating. People say things they'd never say in person--not yet anyway...and we just might get to a point where if certain things are said anonymously enough that eventually they'll be said in person too|||I can't say I agree with you. People can definitely lie, because it is extremely easy to do so through these things. But it depends on who you are. It does dehumanize things, but think of people who have fallen in love through these things... I'm sure they'd disagree.|||It's a poor substitute for friendships or relationships in general. I used to be big on all of that but am trying to cut it down to a minimum because I see the negative effects it has on people.|||It lets me manage my social life more efficiently, and connects me to more social events with human interactions. If you see it as dehumanizing, you are not using it properly.|||It has its place, but it should be balanced with non-electronic socializing. And it always amuses me to see people complaining about such things ONLINE... ;-)|||My Bible says that there will come a time when knowledge will increase, looks like this is the time.|||I believe you are absolutely right! Although I have no clue where this fits into the topic??|||Nothing wrong with it.

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