Thursday, November 24, 2011

Easy way to make money in the Summer?

I'm 14 and broke, like most teenagers my age, but I've had my eye on a very interesting electronic(I'm a tech nerd) and a bunch of accessories for my computer. I'm wondering what's a good way to make money during the Summer since I'm too young to work at any of the big places like Wal-Mart(cart gathering, floor mopping, bathroom cleaning) and such.

Thank you in advance.|||Mowing grass makes good money, but it is hard work for the money. I don't know much you could do with computers except help a few people here and there, but nothing serious.|||mow grass, deliver newspapers|||teach computer classes to the elderly

just look professional and make sure you know what you're talking about

maybe u can put flyers up around your town|||yard work is the best way|||mow grass, babysit, find people where you live to do odd jobs for them|||Yeah, Well I have a job and make money on making websites and such for people here is my website it is fun and easy and I enjoy it and I charge $25 hr.

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