Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why are the electronic voting machines already flipping votes to Republicans?

In early voting, the Heavily used voting machines are coming up with summary pages that don't have Democrats last names. The machines also change the chosen Democrat's name for governor's to the Republican candidate, right before the voter's eyes.

Voters are having to alert poll workers to come into the booth and try to fix the problem.

No paper trails, unreliable results, slow process and "buyer's remorse on Republican owned Diebold voting machines.

How does this further voter suppression?|||Now you know why I voted on paper. May not get counted but it's there and I know it's there. I just read another story about how the NSA computers taps voter main computers in each State to "watch" the election results. Watch, yeah right!|||I heard the opposite about votes getting changed from Republicans to Democrats. The Dems must be cheating. Honestly, I do not believe that this is happening. I think that voter fraud is grossly exagerated and if it is happening, both sides are doing it and it all evens out in the end. Don't be so trusting in your party. Do you really believe that two parties filled with career politicians and lawyers, funded by corrupt special interest groups have any honesty left in them. They will both cheat if given the chance.|||Oh boy... what a mess we live in with these voting machines. The Republican party in my district have been asking that as many people as possible vote absentee ballot. Why? Because the Republicans in this country are just as leery about these voting machines as Democrats in this country.

I realize that this question is pointing at the Republicans as the ones who spearheaded this voting machine thing, and there are Republicans out there claiming it was the Democrats...

Let's be realistic here, it was just a poor decision by all these districts who bought into them. I personally don't care about "killing off some trees" to get the good old paper ballot back in place. At least then we do have some solid paper trails and not short change anyone.|||It furthers voter suppression by not tallying the correct votes for the candidate voted for.|||Whatever. People will say anything to get into a fight over politics.|||I would throw out the vote of any machine that came out 51/49 as that is the number they are flipped to!!

Here is the testimony before Congress!!鈥?/a>

It's not groundwork, it's fact! 2 kids from MIT wrote the same code, Diabold admits there machines are flawed! Just do a google. This is no secret information! If you listen to the testimony you will see that the pater that it prints out is flawed as well! This guy wrote the program for the Speaher of the House in Florida befoer the elections in 2.000! He was a NASA programmer as well!

The kids from MIT will show you exactly how they did it and how easy it is to do!

I am sorry, Idon't trust a computer without original paper from some place else, like a ballot! You have absolutely no way to know whether a machine has been rigged or not! I prefer that my vote count and not get flipped by a machine! What if the Dems were in power, they could do the same to the Republicans! No wonder dead people are winning elections!|||Sounds as if you are laying the groundwork for your excuses, if the election does not go your way.|||You are wrong, Electronic voting machines favor neither party. Our machines over here in California do have a printed paper trail on the left side of the machine. It looks like a printed grocery store reciept.|||My apologies!

There do seem to be some problems, the problems don't seem to be exactly what you describe however i do beleive that the formatting seems to be rather confusing... something about the oponents name lighting up when you choose your candidate... I'm not sure if the change in color indicates a vote had registered for that candidate or is just to differentiate between the chosen and unchosen. It certainly does sound confusing tho. Why would the opposing candidate light up and not to one you selected? thats pretty weird.|||You've discovered it...the vast right-wing conspiracy!

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