Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My eyes burn and run if i look at any electronic more then 5 min what should i do?

i have good vision so thats not the problem...|||I remember reading a study that showed that blinking slowed significantly when watching a video screen. Decreased blinking causes the eyes to dry out, and that can cause burning.

ake sure that you are taking visual breaks from whatever you are doing, and use non-preserved artificial tears (Visine tears, refresh tears....NOT Visine drops) to rewet your eyes.

If this doesn't solve your problem, schedule a visit with your optometrist.|||BLINK!!!!!!


that question was amazing,.


xx|||Look for less than 5 minutes at a time.|||This is not an uncommon problem...especially in this electronic, computerized world we live in today. When you are staring at your computer, or your hand-held video gaming thing, or your have a tendency to blink less, which causes your eyes to dry out.

You can try taking frequent breaks while on your computer or playing video games. Stop what you're doing every 30-45 minutes, get up walk around, and allow your eyes to focus on objects that are at least 10 feet away for a few minutes. This will keep your eyes from feeling so strained when you are using electronic things.

Also, as the person above me mentioned, using lubricating artificial tears will help with the dryness. NOT VISINE!!! Not the same want Refresh or any other artificial tears that will lubricate and refresh your eyes. I also have VERY dry eyes, to the point where I cannot wear contacts at all and I am going to be starting Systane eye drops, recommended by the OD that i work with...

Put a few drops in your eyes as directed on the box whenever you feel your eyes are drying out...

Good luck!

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