Sunday, November 20, 2011

Does radiation from electronic devices (TV screens, DS, PSP) cause eye floaters?

I have floaters. And I do spend a great deal of time on the DS/computer/TV sometimes. I heard at one time or another that stressing your eyes may be one cause of floaters, so I try to get in lots of rest. But you stress your eyes whenever you're on the TV or other objects with screens, so I'd like to really know if radiation aggravates floater conditions or contributes to them greatly.

P.S. I'm seventeen, myopic, and wearing glasses. And solutions for eye floaters will also be greatly appreciated. :)|||No, television, microwaves, computers, do not cause eye floaters. Floaters are little bits in your vitreous fluid floating...hence the name. Usually people notice them when looking at a sky with bright sun, a computer screen with a white background. People with high myopia tend to have more floaters than most people. They are not harmful, but really annoying. Eventually the floaters you see will break up and/or your brain with ignore them. There isn't really anything you can do to make them go away (if severe enough surgery can be done, but only in extreme cases).

I would visit my eye doctor soon, just to make sure everything is normal.|||Most of the things you described do not give off "radiation." So I would have to say "no, they do not cause eye floaters." Actually, eye floaters are normal and occur in most people. They are particles inside the eye itself.

You might just notice the floaters more while watching tv or the computer screen because your eyes are in a fixed position. This might be why you wondered if the tv or computer cause the floaters.|||Any type of radiation or stressing does not cause floaters.It is totally normal.In myopia vitreous is fluid like rather than jelly making them float..They do not require treatment.

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