Sunday, November 20, 2011

Will the new electronic advertising at ibrox and celtic park?

distract people more from watching the game?

both clubs are installing electronic advertising boards for the perimeters of the pitches so they can earn more money from advertising; these are the types you see in stadia like the nou camp. i realise there is a lot more money for the clubs in these new boards.

but are they an unwanted distraction when watching games? i know myself they have caught my eye while watching the tv and taken my attention off the game.|||I personally hate them,everytime I go to the Emirates I just wish they would go on the blink!!!

It's not that they distract you completely but the constant flashing and changing can make you take your eyes away from the match for a few seconds as much as you don't want it to.|||nah my attention span just manages to beat a goldfish|||Depends on the quality of the football, Erra. Need I say more?????????|||all depends who they Ger's are playing...if its a run of the mill team like Celtic then maybe for a second or two...:-(...they are annoying though

10 points to woaby|||Good point I struggle as well have a star.|||Well I don't see the screens because I sit way up high. Anyway I don't pay to go and not watch rangers. What would be the point of just staring at the screens?? If I get bored which I hardly ever do because I'm too freackin nervous to get bored I read the ranger's mag thing(forgot the name, it'll come back tae me soon)|||yeah they can be quite irritating, but two things

1. its great to see scottish football keeping upto date with our european techo-geek neighbors

and 2. knowing Rangers and Celtic for being as tight as they are, i think theyl have got thier powercard meters at the stadiums rigged....|||they are bad news!

this part may be sexist ,as it will infer most footy fans are men (so sorry to any wummin who attend regular games this excludes YOU :-) in nicest possible way!)

The reason it is gonnae annoy ALL you men, is cos ye canny multi task ---a biological fact! Wont be able to keep your eye on the ball, and go to your pal whose callin ref a bas, 'uch bam, ah missed that there,wit happened, ah was reading bogof deals at Tesco on that yon stoopit signy hing..'

its difficult enough for ye all to call the ref a bas never mind following the game AND to then try and type doon intae yer mobie the telephone number of Ham Shanks, the new butchers in toon,lol, off ad board soon as you start texting it into a draft, some bugger scores....

Ads will be as 'dull 'as possible am sure, so as not to divert your other brains attention, am sure there wont be ads for FREE beer, nor subscription to adult channel full frontal nude babe TV or something!

Stay focused now boys!!|||no i wont be looking at them just the gers humblin the hoops|||it's good for the clubs to get extra advertising revenue, but hopefully it will not distract us from watching the game, I am just looking forward to the start of the new season.

I hope the gers can win tomorrow.|||they should come with a health warning(and am no talking about the football either)

as do they boards give out flashin emittance which can cause (either mild or severe epileptic fits)side effects

if so then they should ban them

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