Sunday, November 20, 2011

If I go and acquire a license to sell tobacco does this mean I can sell electronic cigarettes too?

I am a vender at a flee market and I have been looking to bring in more product that might sell. The electronic cigarette crossed my eye one day I wanted to find out about any licenses and or permits. That I may need. Any Information on the topic will be much appreciated. Thank You.|||It depends on local laws. Most places still do not have regulations for the selling of electronic cigarettes so they are simply treated as any normal retail item, in which case you only need a retail business license to sell them.|||You do not need any license to sell an Electronic Cigarettes other than a business license. Electronic Cigarettes do sell but you have to actively sell hard. They typically do not sell themselves.

There are several parts to consider to buy when purchasing such:


Filters (flavors)

Charger (Car, Wall,Laptop)


Kits are great but you will need extra supplies to supply to your customers should they not work.

cases for carrying the E-Cig

They are smoke free, tar free, nicotine free ( if person buys such), you can smoke anywhere, does not stain teeth and approved by FDA.|||No, you can't simply because tobacco products contain tobacco whereas eliquids contain no tobacco, so they aren't related. Even the so-called "tobacco" juices contain no tobacco, just flavours. There are, for those who do DIY (Do It Yourself, that is make their own liquids; I do at times) a few flavours that are extracted from the tobacco plant (rare). TPA (The Perfumer's Apprentice - American) sells at least one of those, the Tobacco Absolute. But I have it, used it a few times in my mixes and stopped using it because, in my humble point of view, it really adds nothing special to the liquid. When you go the ecig way, better forget about tobacco because you're leaving tobacco behind you and, allow me to stress this, nicotine and tobacco mustn't be confused. So, what do you really want to sell at the flea market? Pretty bad ecigs that cost a lot more than they're worth and I can think of a few famed brands here? The ecig business is mostly conducted through the internet in a very serious manner, at least very growingly so. Hence, all you need is a license to sell electronic products maybe. But it'll be a passing thing if you're not really into it and most of your customers will probably go back to analogs after a while without ever getting to know the benefits and pleasures of ecigs (let's call them PVs, please;they don't even look nothing like cigs except for the worst). Anyway, from all I know the FDA has regulated the ecigs and stated (I quote by heart) that they should mention the manufacturer, the origin, the ingredients and the date-limit. All quite fair.|||Electronic cigs are not considered cigs. However you are a vendor so I would think you still need a license /permits to sell. It's a business.

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