Sunday, November 20, 2011

Do you think Electronic Cigarettes are a waste of time?

My auntie gave up smoking and went to the electronic cigarette instead of gum. In my eyes, electronic cigarettes are a waste of time because you're not really breaking the habit and if for some reason, one day, the electronic device doesn't work, because you are still in the habit you will buy a pack of cigarettes. What do you think??|||I agree and disagree.

I agree because yes, many people do just switch from reg to ecigs.

But I diagree because ecigs are far healthier. Now, they arent healthy as in good for you, but they cut out about 3500 of the chemicals found in cig smoke. The ones that are still there are at a fraction of the level of what they are in real cigs. And the varying dosages of nicotine make it FAR easier to taper off.

The people who never quit the ecig never would have quit real cigs either. The best thing obviously would be to quit altogether. But for those who cant (the addiction is VERY powerful) or those who dont want to, the ecig gives them a healthier alternative.

Yes, the snafu of a nonworking ecig can be a pitfall. And that is why most ecig users carry a pouch with them that includes a charger, extra ecigs and extra cartridges. Plus, some of the local head shops or tobacco shops are starting to carry them. With some planning, you can avoid that kind of snafu. And lets face it, every smoker I have ever known is quite good at planning their addictions... buying cartons at a time, scheduling their day around smoke breaks, etc. If you go prepared, that is unlikely to happen.

Also, the ecig is different from smoking. It produces a misty vapor rather than smoke. Its kind of like the vapor mist fountains produce. So, after even just a few weeks of not having a reg cig, the smoke will taste absolutely nasty and make them cough really bad.

Beyond that, it costs less. Many people spend some money in the beginning finding what model and flavors they like, but after you get that worked out, the average person is looking at between a 40-70% reduction in cost from regular cigs.

So, overall, I think the benefits outweigh your wasting time objection.|||I quit after 10 years of smoking traditional cigarettes by switching to electronic. I think 50% of it for me was the actual act of smoking, which the e-cigarette obviously helps. The ecig doesn鈥檛 smell, no second hand smoke, you can smoke it pretty much everywhere, and you still get your nicotine with much less chemicals!

I guess the companies don鈥檛 make quit smoking or health claims due to FDA regulations but common sense says 4000+ chemicals vs. a few is going to be much much healthier for you.

As far as brands, just do your research. I tried a few before finding ProSmoke but everyone might want something different. Check cigreviews and electroniccigarettespot for opinions and reviews. The other brands came close but I am very content with what I have now.

In the long run, it is also much cheaper. I would say 50+% for smokers. God this sounds like an infomercial....but do your research and good luck quitting!|||Well, the can be useful in reducing smoking regular cigarettes, which actually is great. If you can quit depends on you, not on the methods you use. If you are weak or don't really want to, you cannot quit anyhow. But ecigs can help you reducing smoking step by step.|||Hi Dan Sear,

I do not think that Electronic Cigarettes are a wast of time as I used to be a chain smoker and used to get through a heck of a lot of cigarettes a day and used to wast a lot of money too what made this worse for me is that I had a job with very little pay and could not afford the luxurious things in life and did not have the will power to give up my bad habit so I had to try and get a new alternative to either slow my smoking habit down or stop.

I looked on the internet for all different alternatives and came across one that was called the Electronic Cigarette which I had done alot Of research on them and also watched videos on youtube and I thought these was a good alternative for me so I decided to buy one and I have never looked back as this has cut my smoking habit to at least 50% this is half of what I was smoking and that to me is a big achivement this has me feel a lot healthier and now can smoke in pubic place's without others smelling my secondhand smoke which alot of public place's did not want.

Electronic cigarettes can be for quitting all depends on the person them selfs if they want to quit there smoking habit but if they want to quit then they can by using the e cig as these have different levels of nigotine in them high for smokers that have strong cigs med low zero normally people who want to stop smoking with the e cig normally just step it down slowly in the different levels of nigotine.

hope this is some help to you.|||I love ecigs and would rather die than quit nicotine. I have quit smoking now with the help of ecigs and my health is much improved. It's been nearly two years since I smoked now and unlike other times I've tried to quit I don't miss tobacco at all.

Not everybody wants to quit nicotine so the next best thing is to get it in a less harmful but satisfying way.|||yes i do, i bought one for 90 bucks and it worked for 2 weeks, i took it back but there is no refunds, so they said they can only exchange. the girl got my e cig to work so i took it home and it only works now for a few drags. completely waste of money!!!|||Yeah. They won't even help You quit, since it still contains nicotine. Any "health benefits" are still unsubstantiated by research. They are a complete waste of time %26amp; money.|||Yes Time and health.|||yes. it,s a gimmick to make money. if you quit, you quit.|||i think they are a GIANT waste of time. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!

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